Welcome to the Open House's information center

The Open House in Jerusalem for Pride and Tolerance is proud to operate a knowledge center for the general public, based on 25 years of activity for the LGBTQ+ population in Jerusalem and its surroundings. The center makes the story of the Jerusalem gay community accessible to wide and diverse audiences, and LGBTQ+ discourse based on values ​​of equality, tolerance, and sexual and gender freedom

In the activities offered by our knowledge center, you can directly meet the activities that produce change in the social, political, legal and cultural environment of the various communities in Jerusalem. Our lecturers will therefore be happy to give you a taste of the cultural and ideological richness that the open house operates from, and to give each person practical tools to promote inclusion and acceptance in their social environment

The open house has twenty-five years of experience in accompanying people who are taking their first steps in getting to know the gay community – we will be happy to put this experience and knowledge at your service as well

ברוכים הבאים למרכז הידע
של הבית הפתוח

הבית הפתוח בירושלים לגאווה ולסובלנות גאה להשיק מרכז ידע לציבור הרחב, המבוסס על חצי יובל של פעילות למען אוכלוסיות הלהט”ב בעיר ירושלים וסביבותיה. המרכז מנגיש לקהלים רחבים ומגוונים את הסיפור של הקהילה הגאה הירושלמית, ושיח להט”בי המבוסס על ערכים של שוויון, סובלנות, וחופש מיני ומגדרי.

בפעילויות שמציע מרכז הידע שלנו תוכלו לפגוש באופן בלתי אמצעי את הפעילים והפעילות שמייצרים שינוי בסביבה החברתית, הפוליטית, המשפטית והתרבותית של הקהילות השונות בירושלים. המרצים והמרצות שלנו ישמחו לתת לכם ולכן טעימה מהעושר התרבותי והאידיאולוגי שהבית הפתוח פועל מתוכן, ולהעניק לכל אדם כלים מעשיים לקידום של הכלה וקבלה בסביבה החברתית שלו או שלה.

לבית הפתוח עשרים וחמש שנות ניסיון בליווי של א.נשים העושים את צעדיהם הראשונים בהיכרות עם הקהילה הגאה – נשמח להעמיד את הניסיון והידע האלה גם לשירותכם!

Our trainings

The Open House in Jerusalem for Pride and Tolerance offers institutions and organizations a variety of professional trainings in order to adapt and improve the services they provide to the LGBTQ+ community.

Ordering a training includes an opportunity for a conversation about the specific needs of each workplace, while tailoring the content delivered in the training.

Diversity and inclusion- The way to a colorful organization

A basket of tools for occupational or service diversity and inclusion
Does your organization work with a diverse population? Are you trying to reach new target audiences? In this lecture we will learn to make your service and intra-organizational discourse accessible and pave the way for effective, trust-based work with different identities and sectors in Israeli society. We will get to know the basics for understanding the meeting between sexual orientation and gender identity, we will refer to cultural issues, and the unique barriers that the queer community encounters when coming to receive various and essential services.

Espicially suitable for: workplaces, service providers, corporations, civil society organizations, the public service, and those who want to open the door

LGBTQ+ healthcare

A look at the most burning issues of making health services accessible to the LGBTQ+ population in Jerusalem
The Open House in Jerusalem for Pride and Tolerance has been operating a community clinic for twenty years, the "Open Clinic", which provides vital medicine to LGBT people in Jerusalem. In the lecture, we will learn about the unique model of a clinic that operates from within and for a community, and we will learn about medical issues unique to the LGBTQ+ population.
Especially suitable for: medical teams, clinics, para-medical teams, and anyone involved in medicine

Psychosocial services for the queer community

Dedicated training on mental health care for LGBTQ+ people
The percentage of mental illness among the LGBTQ+ community is relatively high compared to the general population, but seeking mental help often involves a significant risk of encountering conversion therapy .Because of this, the open house operates a psychosocial clinic specializing in mental health care for LGBTQ+ people. At the same time, in almost every setting that provides mental health services, there are patients who belong to the LGBTQ+ community and need appropriate treatment. For these frameworks, the Open House offers dedicated training on mental health care for LGBTQ+ people.

Especially suitable for: welfare offices, psychology and psychiatry clinics, out-of-home settings, students of the care professions, and those who deal with mental health

Queer youth

The characteristics, risks and benefits of queer youth - an inside look at the closet. LGBTQ+ puberty lasts until the mid-twenties. Late coming out often brings with it a delay in the processes of identity clarification and self-knowledge. In addition, queer youth are exposed to the dangers of puberity at a higher level than the general population. In the lecture we will learn about the characteristics of LGBTQ+ youth, we will learn about the consequences of the closet on social development, and we will learn about the various tortures that exist today in Jerusalem.

Espicially suitable for: welfare offices, out-of-home settings, educational teams, youth movements, parents' groups, and those who have passed puberty.

The queer elderly

Has society's attitude towards LGBTQ+ people created irreparable injustices among the seniors in the LGBTQ+ community?
Until 1988, being gay was outlawed in the State of Israel. As a result, there are thousands of elderly LGBTQ+ people living in Israel today who suffer from severe loneliness. These are not only faced with a heavy social taboo under which their queer identity developed, but also with its far-reaching consequences - many of them have no family or community support, and in old age need comprehensive and intensive systemic support. her for equal rights in Israel.

Espicially suitable for: old people's homes, welfare offices, geriatric clinics, communities and community centers, and anyone who has grandparents

Tailor made traininng

If you want training that touches on some of these areas of knowledge or a series of trainings, we will be happy to build a dedicated training with you that is adapted to your unique needs.

Lectures and tours

The open house in Jerusalem for pride and tolerance offers a variety of fascinating lectures suitable for a wide target audience. Our lectures can be delivered to groups or individuals.

Between protest and community

Models of social change in a conservative and multicultural city
Jerusalem is a vibrant and fascinating city, with a wide variety of political, religious and cultural identities. In this focus, the gay community in Jerusalem leads a determined struggle for equal rights and opportunities, while a complex and enriching intersection of identities. This lecture will give you a direct introduction to how the open house in Jerusalem leads to pride and tolerance through a discourse of multiculturalism, sexual and gender freedom, and love without borders, in a historic and holy city.

Espicially suitable for: leadership groups, tourists and tourism, educational and academic institutions, corporations, communities and community centers, anyone looking for inspiration

Jerusalem Queer Beit Midrash

A fascinating encounter between diverse LGBTQ+ identities and religious identities
Jerusalem is a focus of diverse religious-LGBTQ+ communities. These communities have voices of inclusion and tolerance in LGBTQ+ contexts even within the religious establishment. The LGBTQ+ discourse, as a whole, makes a significant cultural contribution in a broad way and helps dismantle the constructions of gender, family, sexuality and more. We strive to bring this discourse into the sacred spaces of the relationship of individuals and communities with God and with tradition. We believe that the relationship between God iand the person is individual and the community can be strengthened by referring to the queer dimensions of our existence in the world.

Espicially suitable for: educational and academic institutions, religious and traditional groups, leadership groups, those who like intellectual pursuits

A tolerant space workshop

How do you take a trans* from Shuafat and a lesbian from Gush Etzion and establish a united political movement together?
The queer community in Jerusalem is made out people with a variety of intersecting identities and the meeting between them brings with it challenges and advantages. In the workshop we will get to know the tools developed by the open house in the last 25 years to create a safe space for free exploration of personal identity. In addition to getting to know the basic terms of the LGBTQ+ discourse, we will discuss together questions that are necessary for everyone who wants to create closeness and tolerance in their close environment.

Especially suitable for: educational teams, service providers, communities and community centers, social groups, those who are interested in challenges

A tour following the queer history of Jerusalem

Within the many layers of historic Jerusalem, we will discover the hidden history of the gay community
We invite you to go with us to a different and new story in Jerusalem. The Open House is proud to reveal the gay history of Jerusalem, and the vibrant present of the city's gay community. Together we will bring to light the community heritage that grew between the alleys and in the old neighborhoods, we will dig into the city's past, and we will place at the center of the stage a narrative that was once buried in the dust. We wish to clarify the basic assumptions of all of us regarding this special city, and to travel in Jerusalem, which has always been a home for everyone. The tour lasts about three hours and takes place in the center of Jerusalem.

Espicially suitable for: families, communities and associations, tourists, educational institutions, senior clubs, and those who like trips

Behind the scenes of the Jerusalem's Pride and Tolerance parade

The Jerusalem Pride Parade has been going on for over two decades, so how did it all start and why do a parade in Jerusalem at all?
איך התחיל מצעד הגאווה והסובלנות הירושלמי? ממה מורכבת ההפקה של מצעד גאווה בבירה היסטורית? באילו התנגדויות נתקל המצעד ואיך מתמודדות איתן? ובכלל, למה לעשות מצעד בירושלים? הרצאה מקיפה שהיא שיעור בהיסטוריה, אקטיביזם, זכויות אדם ואפילו הצדדים הפרקטיים של הפקה תוך הצצה ייחודית אל אחורי הקלעים של מצעד הגאווה והסובלנות בירושלים.

מתאים במיוחד ל: קבוצות מנהיגות, תאגידים, תנועות נוער, צוותים ביום גיבוש, מי שזקוק.ה לתמיכה לקראת הפקת אירוע שיא

Our people

Would you like to order? Do you have any more questions?

Write us here and we’ll contact you as soon as we can.